

Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF), (the "Organization" or "we") possess the legal right of this site. You are thus allowed a constrained, non-selective permit to see the materials on this website. You can also download a duplicate material of its logo and can print a justified number of duplicate copies of the materials, exclusively for your own, non-business use. You can't evacuate or take the trademark, copyright the content on the website. The Company holds all rights regarding copyright and trademark responsibility for material at this site. Aside from as explicitly given in these Terms of Use, you may not change, duplicate, convey, transmit, show, perform, recreate, distribute, permit, make subordinate works from, move, or sell any data, programming, items or different materials on, or administrations acquired from, this site.

Legal Policy

This site may just be utilized for legitimate purposes and may not be utilized at all to hurt someone else. Any such issue will be resolved in court.
You won't promote the organization in a bogus way, no wrong cases and spamming is permitted. The variables which go under spamming are:
1) Sending the web delivers unwanted messages to online clients.
2) Posting of the site address in a few newsgroups which are superfluous as our administrations and items.

Site Content

All site content is the property of Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) or then again is controlled or authorized to Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF). You may just utilize pictures, logos, and other video content on the site.


The organization has the right to end the partner status and access of the individual/group to the website content and information. On the grounds of termination, the individual needs to pulverize all the material that is either downloaded or received from the site itself.