Industry News

Main Area Description

Main Area Description
  • 14/07/2022

EVF is the registered association representing Indian Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Electric Vehicle Components Manufacturers and end users of EVs.

EVF works closely with the central and state governme
nts to assist the formulation of policies and processes supporting the EV ecosystem.

EVF represents the industry of all possible platforms to help government bodies formulate various EV policies and rationalization of import duties and reduction of local taxes.

What We Are Doing?

What We Are Doing?
  • 30/07/2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem autem voluptatem obcaecati!
ipsum dolor sit Rem autem voluptatem obcaecati

Main Area Description dd

Main Area Description dd
  • 12/07/2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem autem voluptatem obcaecati!
ipsum dolor sit Rem autem voluptatem obcaecati

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