Terms and Conditions

Terms of use

Welcome to this site, which is the sole property of the Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF). It would be ideal if you carefully read these terms and conditions before using or accessing the website. You also agree to be bound by the disclaimer and in any case, if you don’t adhere to the conditions, you are not allowed to use the content of the site or take data from it.

Utilization of Website by Children:

This site is expected for grown-ups ages 18 or more. By accessing this site, you, the client, concur that you are age 18 or more.

Protected Innovation Rights of Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) (Restrictions on Use of Material)

The data, information, programming, photos, logos, diagrams, video, typefaces, designs, music, sounds, pictures, outlines, structures, symbols, and different materials on this Site (on the whole, "Content") are copyrighted works of Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF). or on the other hand, its licensors/relate and are ensured as scholarly or restrictive property. Content recovered from this Site will not be duplicated, imitated, republished, transferred, posted, transmitted, or conveyed in any capacity, without the express consent of Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF).
Unapproved utilization of any of the aforementioned materials will damage protected innovation rights. All rights not explicitly discussed in these Terms and Conditions are also reserved to Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF). No different rights or licenses, regardless of whether express or inferred, emerging from estoppel or something else, are passed on or proposed by these Terms and Conditions. Thus, no material from this Site might be replicated, recreated, republished, transferred, posted, transmitted, or dispersed in any capacity. In the event that you might want to utilize our trademarks or logos, please contact us.
Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) reserves the right that at any time and in its sole watchfulness they can change or terminate any approval conceded previously. In such conditions or, in the event that you disregard any arrangement of these Terms and Conditions, your authorization to utilize the Materials consequently ends and you should quickly pulverize any duplicates of the Materials that you have made.

Connections to Other Websites:

The information right now may connect to different destinations which can be other web pages. But this is here to clarify that Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) isn't answerable forF

  • the data or substance contained in or on,
  • technology utilized on these sites
  • the privacy policy of these different sites

Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) has just given these connections to other sites for reference purpose and Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) doesn't embrace, support, or endorse the site, items or administrations offered by the brands/companies for which it has given a hyperlink.

Restriction of Usage:

You can utilize the site and data contained inside the Site at your own risk.
While utilizing this Site, data will be transmitted by means of the Internet and bits of the internet over which Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) has no control. Hence, Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) shouldn’t be held responsible for or identification with the deferral, disappointment, interference or defilement of any data transmitted regarding the utilization of this Site. You consent to reimburse, safeguard and hold Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF), its chiefs, lawyers, staff and partners innocuous from any obligation, misfortune, case and cost including sensible lawyers' charges, identified with your infringement of these Terms and Conditions or utilization of this Site.
Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) can't and doesn't ensure or warrant that any information, record, or data accessed for downloading will be free from viruses or trojan horses or codes that may contain tainting or damaging properties. You consent to accept the whole expense of all important overhauling, fix or adjustment coming about because of any such downloading.
Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) doesn't ensure that the data contained on this Site will be continuous or mistake-free, or that imperfections will be revised. Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) makes no guarantee with regards to the exactness, unwavering quality, culmination, practicality, convenience, ampleness or reasonableness of the data, connections or interchanges gave on or using this Site and doesn't warrant against human or machine blunder, delay, oversights, interferences or misfortunes, including loss of any information or the lawfulness of the Site or consistency as for laws administering the items, administrations or advancements offered on this Site.


You concur that any questions with respect to exchanges or data on this Site will be submitted to Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) lawful office (see Contact Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) beneath) within 20 days of the occasion event. Any debates will be dependent upon discretion according to the Indian Arbitration Act.

Comments and Submissions

All data, remarks, input, proposals, and thoughts unveiled, submitted or offered to Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) regarding the utilization of this Site (all things considered, "Remarks"), will be the restrictive property of Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF). Furthermore, by sending Comments to Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF), you award Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) sovereignty free, nonexclusive, never-ending, unlimited, overall permit to distribute, transmit, show and in any case utilize the Comments for any reason, including, yet not constrained to, publicizing and limited time purposes (for instance, in radio, TV or print ads). No credit or pay will be divulged for such use. Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) has the right to utilize your name, city and state regarding communication, print, on the web or other use or production of your accommodation. You concur that
(I) you will be exclusively answerable for the substance of any Comments you make and
(II) You won't submit Comments that are unlawful, slanderous, harsh, revolting, or that will damage the dignity of an outsider, including copyright, trademark, protection or other individual or restrictive rights of that of Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF).

Relationship with Other Parties

Except if in any case demonstrated, Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) isn't a specialist or delegate of an outsider brand or company and does not permit any third party to represent themselves.

General Provisions

By getting to this site, you consent to conform to all standards, laws, and guidelines that are pertinent to your utilization of the Site, including, without constraint, those administering your transmission or utilization of any product or information.
These terms and conditions will be represented by and interpreted as per the laws of India, without offering impact to any standards of contentions of law. In the event that any arrangement of these terms and conditions will be misused, void, or in any way, shape or form unenforceable, at that point that arrangement will be considered severable from these terms and will not influence the legitimacy and enforceability of any outstanding arrangements. All the legal disputes will be resolved within the parameters of the Indian Judiciary.

Extra Restrictions

By visiting this site, you consent to forgo the accompanying restricted exercises:

  • Abuse any nearby, state, national or worldwide laws.
  • Slander, misuse, annoy or compromise Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) in closed and open groups.
  • Advocate for criminal behavior or talk about criminal operations with the plan to carry out them.
  • Post or convey any unlawful, profane, disgusting, libelous, derisive, rude, harsh, or foul language or pictures or material that is humiliating to some other individual or group and also promote or offer to or request others to do the same.
  • Disperse any product or different materials which contain an infection or other destructive segment.
  • Imitate someone else or post or transmit data under a bogus name.
  • Gather data about others, including email addresses, without their consent.
  • Permit some other individual or group to utilize your record or ID for any reason at all
  • Take part in whatever other direct way that limits or restrains some other individual from utilizing or getting a charge out of this Site.
  • Electric Vehicle Federation (EVF) cannot be held responsible for any wrongdoing of the client or visitors on this site. For any illegal or wrong activity, the client or the visitors shall be accountable for their own actions.